Database Field Cross-Reference

The database fields below are used in the following reports:

  1. Basic Columnar Report.rsw
  2. Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW
  3. Cross Tabulation Report.RSW
  4. Export Report.RSW
  5. Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW
  6. Grouped Columnar Report.rsw
  7. Mailing Labels Report.rsw
  8. Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw
  9. Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW
  10. Summary Columnar Report.rsw

Table Alias Field Name Report Data Type Width* Decimals*
MSCAN item Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW C 10
MSCAN itemdate Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW D 8
MSCAN salefname Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW C 15
MSCAN salelname Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW C 15
MSCAN salesno Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW N 5 0
MSCAN scantbl Sales by Salesperson Report.RSW C 7
RRCUST ADDRESS1 Export Report.RSW C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS1 Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS1 Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS1 Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS2 Export Report.RSW C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS2 Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS2 Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST ADDRESS2 Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST CITY Export Report.RSW C 15
RRCUST CITY Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 15
RRCUST CITY Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 15
RRCUST CITY Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 15
RRCUST CODE Export Report.RSW C 10
RRCUST CODE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 10
RRCUST CODE Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 10
RRCUST CODE Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 10
RRCUST COMPANY Basic Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST COMPANY Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 30
RRCUST COMPANY Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST COMPANY Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST COMPANY Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST COMPANY Summary Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRCUST COUNTRY Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 9
RRCUST COUNTRY Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 9
RRCUST COUNTRY Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 9
RRCUST CUST_EMAIL Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 64
RRCUST CUST_NO Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRCUST CUST_NO Export Report.RSW N 5 0
RRCUST CUST_NO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRCUST CUST_NO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRCUST CUST_NO Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRCUST CUST_NO Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRCUST CUST_URL Export Report.RSW C 32
RRCUST CUST_URL Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 32
RRCUST FIRST_NAME Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 15
RRCUST FIRST_NAME Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 15
RRCUST LAST_NAME Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 15
RRCUST LAST_NAME Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 15
RRCUST STATE Export Report.RSW C 2
RRCUST STATE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 2
RRCUST STATE Mailing Labels Report.rsw C 2
RRCUST STATE Multi-Line Columnar Report.rsw C 2
RRCUST TITLE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 4
RRITEMS ORDER_NO Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRITEMS ORDER_NO Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRITEMS ORDER_NO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRITEMS ORDER_NO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRITEMS ORDER_NO Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRITEMS PRODUCT_NO Basic Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRITEMS PRODUCT_NO Cross Tabulation Report.RSW C 3
RRITEMS PRODUCT_NO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 3
RRITEMS PRODUCT_NO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRITEMS PRODUCT_NO Summary Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRITEMS QUANTITY Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 3 0
RRITEMS QUANTITY Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRITEMS QUANTITY Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRITEMS QUANTITY Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 3 0
RRITEMS QUANTITY Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 3 0
RRORDERS CUSTNO Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRORDERS CUSTNO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRORDERS CUSTNO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRORDERS CUSTNO Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRORDERS ORDNO Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRORDERS ORDNO Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRORDERS ORDNO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRORDERS ORDNO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRORDERS ORDNO Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 5 0
RRORDERS ORDRDATE Basic Columnar Report.rsw D 8
RRORDERS ORDRDATE Cross Tabulation Report.RSW D 8
RRORDERS ORDRDATE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW D 8
RRORDERS ORDRDATE Grouped Columnar Report.rsw D 8
RRORDERS ORDRDATE Summary Columnar Report.rsw D 8
RRORDERS SALESPERSO Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRORDERS SALESPERSO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRORDERS SALESPERSO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRORDERS SHIPDATE Grouped Columnar Report.rsw D 8
RRPRICES comm Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES data Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES draw Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES dvlp Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES IMAGE_LOC Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW C 80
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Basic Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW C 3
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Cross Tabulation Report.RSW C 3
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 3
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRPRICES PROD_CODE Summary Columnar Report.rsw C 3
RRPRICES PROD_NAME Basic Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRPRICES PROD_NAME Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW C 30
RRPRICES PROD_NAME Cross Tabulation Report.RSW C 23
RRPRICES PROD_NAME Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRPRICES PROD_NAME Summary Columnar Report.rsw C 30
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Basic Columnar Report.rsw N 6 2
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW N 6 2
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRPRICES PROD_PRICE Summary Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0
RRPRICES proj Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 40
RRPRICES publ Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES spsh Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES util Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRPRICES word Catalog with Variable Graphics.RSW M 30
RRSLSEMP SALEFNAME Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 15
RRSLSEMP SALEFNAME Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 15
RRSLSEMP SALELNAME Cross Tabulation Report.RSW C 15
RRSLSEMP SALELNAME Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW C 15
RRSLSEMP SALELNAME Grouped Columnar Report.rsw C 15
RRSLSEMP SALESNO Cross Tabulation Report.RSW N 6 0
RRSLSEMP SALESNO Form Letter with Bursting Report.RSW N 6 0
RRSLSEMP SALESNO Grouped Columnar Report.rsw N 6 0

Total of 43 Unique Fields

Prepared on: 2006-04-25 at 17:53:29
*Note: Width and Decimals values are from the report(s) - not the DBMS.